Monday, April 14, 2008

by: Monty Loree

I'm going to explain to our readers how they can get cheap life insurance by shopping online.

If you've done any shopping for life insurance you know that prices for life insurance policies can fluctuate a great deal with different companies.

It turns out that life insurance are based on three basic factors.



Life insurance carriers start off with their standard rate for a person of your age. Assuming that your health is perfect and there is no other risk associated with you, you'll get the same price as every one else who has perfect health and no risk associated with them.


A medical will tell the insurance company if you've got any serious health issues which could make you a higher risk, mortality wise.


After assessing your health situation, the life insurance company wants to know if you're involved in higher risk activities with your job or hobbies etc.

Understanding that risks are risks, your real risk assessment to one life insurance company is the same for the next life insurance company. ie.. you're not going to die any faster for one life insurance company than another, to put it graphically.


Based on the discussion above, certain companies might assess risk differently and want to charge differently than other companies.

Companies specialize in different areas

I've heard of companies that like to specialize in certain health risks more so than others. Thus they would charge lower for those health risks than other companies because they have more experience assessing the risk.

As with every industry, those who specialize in certain areas of their field can generally offer better prices and better services than other companies. The same is true for life insurance.

Some companies charge higher commissions

Some companies use sales people who go out and market in the traditional way. These sales people need to make more per commission because their process is slower. Thus the insurance company needs to charge a higher rate to compensate their insurance reps.

Some life insurance agencies (such as the ones we deal with) don't use traditional sales methods. They rely on services such as ours to find them people interested in purchasing life insurance on the internet. They work with the customer over the phone and thus their costs are much lower.

Not only that, these agencies can get pricing from many different life insurance carriers. They are able to shop from the companies that specialize in your particular risk.

I was chatting with a life insurance expert from Conservest today and asked him the following question: "Why does one company charge more than another"

Conservest Answer: No reason. The prices are set by the company based on their personal mortality tables and if one company charges more it's becuase they see a high risk. They are constantly changing and updating in most cases they are going down.

"and prices are based on Age and Health, they use the medical to confirm your health class and the premium is based on that. If you don't fit in you could be rated and have to pay more then the Standard rate."


If you're shopping for cheap life insurance, it's really important to spend some time at it. Signing up for a quote on this site will help out the process.

Our agents will shop many different life insurance carriers for you and get you the best quote for your age and risk situation.

We advise that you ask the insurance company that you're looking at buying from if they specialize in life insurance for your situation. After doing a little digging you will probably save money and get cheap life insurance!

About The Author
Monty Loree is the president of HomeGrown Advertising Inc (1994)
We help people shopping for life insurance get in touch with high quality life insurance services.
View their website at:

by: Doug Taylor

With oil prices on the increase predominantly in the Middle East, it is having a serious knock on effect to the price of petrol.

In the UK petrol is currently almost GBP 1.00 per litre, and in some rural towns it exceeds this price. The burden on the average motorist is having an effect with an average family car costing around GBP 55.00 to fill up.

With the increase in fuel prices any relief on the poor motorist is more than welcome. You will be pleased to know the increase in recent car insurance competition, particuarly online, has resulted in cheaper car insurance for all.

This does mean that shopping around for car insurance can lead to lower premiums. The large car insurance companies have recently carried out major advertising campaigns highlighting the 'lower premiums and saving money online benefits'. At present just by buying your car insurance online rather than over the phone can save you an instant 10% with some car insurance companies.

One other aspect to consider are companies that search out the cheapest car insurance for you with top car insurance firms. You simply make one phone call, or one web enquiry and they will search on your behalf with top firms. You pay no money for this service as the commission they take comes straight from the car insurance firm. It's an ideal solution for those with little time to shop around.

One point to remember is make sure you have the right policy for you. You may find a replacement car an advantage for times when your car may be being repaired. Not all insurance companies offer this and it often comes as a premium. Cost is a major factor but ensure the cover is right for you, your car and circumstances.

About The Author
Doug Taylor is promoter and editor of

by: Maria Cuttini

Is this a pipe dream? Getting cheap no-fault auto insurance is like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. You know it’s there somewhere, but how in the world are you going to find it?

Well, thank goodness for the Internet. Because on the web you can find anything you want (and a lot of things you don’t want). You just need to know how to look.

To find anything, you have to first really know what you’re looking for. And if you’re clear about no-fault auto insurance (NFAI), you’re one in a million. But, if you’re not, you’ll want to do some homework, because it’s incredibly confusing.

Some states don’t offer NFAI. Each individual state has their own regulations for auto insurance companies and policies. Some require NFAI, while others don’t. And some offer something similar instead called “tort” coverage. So, the first step is to get clear how it works in your state.

You can google “your state’s auto insurance regulations” on the Internet and look for the types and amounts of coverage minimally required. But be prepared that some state requirements are very low and others don’t even require basic liability and/or bodily injury protection.

Once you know the minimum coverage required, you then have to decide how much coverage you want and need for your particular circumstances. The insurance salesman’s usual advice is to buy high – as much as you can afford. But, since he’s earning a commission on the sale, that’s what you should expect him to say.

Of course erring on the side of caution is still your best bet, especially if you own your own home or other valuable assets. In case of an accident, you don’t want your personal finances on the hook.

When you know how much car insurance you need and want, then it’s time to shop around. And that’s pretty easy to do on the net. If you’ve never compared rates before, you’re going to be shocked at how much difference there is between different companies - hundreds of dollars in some cases.

There are also a lot of ways to save money on no-fault auto insurance. Check into possible discounts for a good credit report, multifamily and multipolicy discounts, driver safety classes, installation of safety/anti-theft devices, etc.

One of the easiest ways to cut car insurance costs is to increase your deductible. For example, raising your deductible from $250 to $500 can lower your annual premium by as much as 10%. Just be sure you always have enough cash available to cover the higher deductible if you should ever need to.

One last point to consider. Cheap isn’t necessarily what’s best for you. You can get cheaper rates by skimping on your coverage or even possibly dealing with a shady, fly by night insurance company. Michigan state regulators recently caught several scam artists selling bogus no-fault auto insurance policies.

So always be certain you’re dealing with a legitimate reputable insurance company, especially if they’re promising outrageously cheap rates. You could end up getting nothing for your money and it would not be considered “no-fault” of your own.

About The Author

Maria Cuttini shares tips and resources for saving money on auto insurance on her blog at Stop by and save some money!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

by: Simon Christopher

Women's car insurance has been popping up all over the net and our TV screens lately. There's a whole new class of insurers like Sheila's Wheels and Cover Girl who offer car insurance for ladies only. They promise lower premiums for women drivers because, they claim, it's cheaper for them to insure women. Women are better drivers so a lower risk, they say. They have fewer accidents, fewer driving convictions and when they do have an accident, the repairs are usually cheaper. So, is it really true, or is it just another marketing gimmick?

The answer to the question is both yes and no. Women only insurance companies are marketing to a specific niche - women drivers. Of course it's a gimmick, but like the best marketing gimmicks, it is based in truth. Here are the facts about women drivers and insurance:

-92% of driving convictions are handed out to men.

Those figures are changing, though, as women become more aggressive drivers. According to statistics gathered by the car insurance comparison site, 16.8% of male drivers have convictions on their driving record, compared to 9.8% of female drivers. That number is up from 4.8% of female drivers just three years ago.

-Men drive differently than women.

A whopping 98% of dangerous driving convictions were handed out to male drivers last year. According to all the research, men tend to be more aggressive and competitive behind the wheel than women, and that naturally leads to more accidents. Women tend to drive more slowly - generally within the speed limits - and to drive shorter distances. All of those facts add up to fewer accidents that involve women. (So much for all those jokes about lousy women drivers. The statistics say otherwise.)

-Insurance companies pay out less in damages for policies taken out by women.

When women do get into an accident, they tend to be of the fender-bender scrape variety. Overall, insurance companies have always known that female drivers cost them less in payouts.

However, that doesn't necessarily translate to the lowest premiums from companies that only insure women. In fact, many of them offer actual quotes that are higher than the rate you'd be quoted from a more generic motor insurance company. The truth is that despite the widespread sentiment that women drivers underwrite their more expensive male counterparts by paying higher insurance, most insurance companies offer lower insurance rates to female drivers as a customary part of doing business.

That's not to say that you won't get the best price from an insurer who only insures women's cars. The bottom line is the same as it is with any other auto insurance decision. Shop around. Get insurance rate quotes from a number of different companies before you decide on the policy that's best for you. Keep in mind when you're comparing policies that you should always compare like with like. Decide on the specific cover that you want before you start requesting quotes, and make sure that the rate you're quoted includes all the cover you need. It's really the only way to be absolutely certain you're getting the best cover for your money.

About The Author
Simon Christopher
For a comprehensive list of the most popular womens car insurance companies plus real customer reviews and buying tips, visit

by: Simon Christopher

Fact: To drive legally in the UK, you are required to have car insurance to protect yourself and other drivers. It's one of the unavoidable expenses of owning and driving a vehicle on the road.

Whilst car insurance is a fact of life, high premiums are not. There are many ways to control the cost of your motor insurance premiums and even reverse recent increases in some cases. Here are just a few tips that can save you well over 10% on your car insurance this year.

1. Search online for the best quotes.

Often, car dealers work with a specific insurer "for your convenience". Before snatching the first motor insurance policy you find, do some research and shop around. Use a price comparison site to compare multiple policies side by side. Car insurance quotes can vary by hundreds of pounds for the exact same cover.

2. Buy online at the insurer's site.

Many, if not most, insurance companies offer hefty discounts when you buy your cover online. Why? They save money on time and agent commissions that way. It's standard to offer a 10% discount when you buy your car insurance online. While not everyone can buy online, there can be significant savings if you can and do.

3. Review when you renew.

Don't simply renew you policy when the time rolls around. Go over it to make sure that it still meets your needs and circumstances - and then request a new quote. Insurers will nearly always offer a lower quote when you're shopping around for policy than when they think they have you hooked.

4. Secure your car.

Since your premium is based on the risk of damage or loss of your car, every step you take to make your car more secure and safe will reduce your premium. Park it off street or in a garage, add a steering lock or an alarm and see your premiums go down.

5. Drive less.

The less you drive, the less your chance of being involved in an accident. If your mileage is lower than the norm, inform your insurer and find out if they offer a low mileage discount.

6. Be honest on your application.

While this technically will not lower your insurance premium, it can make a huge difference when you make a claim. It may be tempting to claim your auntie's suburban address as your garaging site and knock a few pounds off your premium - but if you need to make a claim, the insurance company could find out. If they prove you misrepresented the facts on your application, your claim will be declined and may end up liable for any damages from the accident to boot.

7. Pay in full at the start of the policy.

Check with your insurer to find out if you're charged more for paying in installments. In essence, when you pay in installments, you're taking a loan from the insurance company for your premium, and paying them back - with interest.

8. Pay by direct debit.

If you do choose to pay in installments, find out if your insurer discounts your premium when you pay by direct debit. Since direct debit greatly decreases the likelihood of late and missed payments, most insurers are happy to knock a few quid off the premium when you pay that way.

9. Add an extra driver to your policy.

In some cases, adding an additional driver to your policy will lower your premium, especially if that driver is older, female and has a good driving record.

10. Take a defensive driving course.

Many insurance companies will discount your premium if you complete a course in safe or defensive driving. In general, anything that reduces your accident or loss risk may lower your car insurance premiums.

About The Author

Simon Christopher For more tips on controlling your car insurance premiums with customer reviews and buying guides to help you, go to

by: Peter Kenny

As you already know there are many types of insurance. Knowing which policies will best suit your needs is a key to protecting yourself and your family from unexpected events. BY having the protection that you need, when you need it, you give yourself and your family a tremendous advantage when things go wrong.

If you have a family or run a business, you certainly need life insurance. Life insurance comes in many different flavors and choosing the correct policy is often confusing. One thing is certain, however, and that is you want to provide for your family in the event of your death. The actual type of policy that will best meet your requirements is something that only you, your spouse, and the insurance carrier can decide.

There is another side to life insurance, too. What if you do not have a family? In a case such as this, life insurance, unless it is provided free to you by your employer, may be an unnecessary expense. After all, who will be your beneficiary?

Other types of insurance, such as automobile insurance, are clearer to understand. If you do not own a car, you obviously do not need this type of insurance. If you do own a car and drive it, you almost certainly are required to have it by state law.

Homeowner's insurance is required by most lenders as long as you are paying on the mortgage. In the event something should happen to the home, the insurance on it will help cover the costs of repairing it or replacing it if it is completely destroyed.

Once the mortgage is paid, the homeowner is at liberty to carry or not carry insurance as long as that is allowed by state and local law. Even though a homeowner may be tempted to cancel homeowner's insurance or reduce the coverage once the mortgage is paid that is often a bad idea.

Disability income insurance is another type of insurance that most people should at least consider. A long-term disability insurance policy kicks in should you be injured or suffer from a disease that makes it impossible for you to continue working.

It is true that most employers carry worker's compensation plans that can help should you be out of work for an extended period of time, but worker's comp can be complicated and it often does not provide enough money to cover both medical expenses and household expenses. There are also time limits on how long you can receive payments. A long term disability policy can help offset those costs and help your family maintain a more normal lifestyle.

Health insurance is another of those very important policies that all people should have. Health insurance is often provided by employers, and for many people, this is the only affordable way they can get it. Often employers may offer a choice between HMOs (health maintenance organizations) and traditional fee-for-service care. Rates for HMOs are usually less expensive but they normally have more constraints on which doctor or hospital you can use. Privately purchased health insurance is much more expensive and should be well researched before you decide a policy.

The above are just a few of the many types of insurance that you may wish to look into. An excellent way to learn more about insurance and what you need is to speak with a qualified insurance agent.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Author: Guest

In most cases it is up to you, the driver, to ensure that your auto insurance company offers you the minimum required.

Specific ways to save money on auto insurance:

1. This scenario is the auto insurance equivalent of guaranteed access to low-priced auto insurance that takes care of every possible repair, including damage already done, until the day the car falls apart so completely it's unsalvageable (death) or reaches 200,000 miles (Medicare), regardless of whether she even changes the oil (takes care of herself) in the interim. In case you don't have coverage and you do get suspended, you can still get an auto insurance policy before the date of suspension.

And, if you use a homeowner's insurance company that also covers your auto insurance as well, chances are you will get the bulk, discounted rate. Also, remember that you can qualify for a better deal from your current auto insurance company if you have many insurance policies with them such as a combination of car, home and life insurance, which can cost cheaper as a group when compared to buying individually. Most states and most countries will require a certain level of cover, from full comprehensive car insurance to third party auto insurance.

Most states require all drivers living within their borders to carry a minimum level of auto insurance. If you own a home, ask about combining your homeowners insurance with your auto insurance. It is often found that auto insurance premiums for the same car model and similar coverage, differ from one car insurance company to another.

Unlike an auto insurance policy however, a notary bond is simply a guarantee that the funds will be available should a loss occur. So in case your car is damaged the auto insurance company will pay for rental costs, (sometimes only for a few days). If you are renting a car in another country you should definitely consider purchasing coverage at the rental counter as most personal auto insurance policies only cover their owners in the country where the policy was written.

When you change auto insurance companies, the new agent or insurer can generally change carriers while you wait.

About the Author
Want more information on auto insurance? Then check out my site for more information and resource links here: Auto Insurance High Risk

Friday, April 11, 2008

Author: peter1

If you're in need of a car insurance adjuster then there are a few facts you should know before you meet with him/her. The first rule of thumb is that if your car insurance adjuster is over friendly remember, he is there to save money for the company he works with, not especially for you.

Don't ever sign anything without reading every detail and never underestimate the good will of the car insurance adjuster. If the adjuster wants to discuss anything on the phone, request that you would rather meet with him/her in person until after your insurance claim is settled.

You can be pleasant with the insurance adjuster but stay firm. No matter what happened at the scene of the accident, it is not the car insurance adjuster's fault if the person that hit you was an idiot. Don't underestimate the importance of an adjuster's impressions because they all go into your file. The way you act toward him/her could have an influence on your insurance claim later.

Even if, for example, your car hit a deer, insurance adjusters will even be called for this too, to estimate the amount of damage to the car. Again let the adjuster do his/her job and be friendly. When you hit a deer it can cause the same amount of damage in some cases as hitting a car, or even worse. Let the car insurance adjuster look at the damage and make up his/her own mind regarding the extent of damage. Again don't sign any thing until your car insurance claim is settled.

An independent car insurance adjuster is also expected to settle insurance claims quickly. This person may not owe a particular allegiance to a specific insurance company, but they want to collect the fee from the company. An insurance adjuster's authority to settle a claim is restricted, but the adjuster will do everything possible to make sure you get treated fairly

The bottom line is don't let a car insurance adjuster suck you into thinking he's your best friend in the world, only to be let down later. This is the nature of job and no matter how friendly the adjuster is, he/she is there to do a job. You have little to do with that except provide them with information needed to assess the damages to your car.

Just be a little careful when dealing with a car insurance adjuster.

About the Author

For a website totally devoted to Car Insurance visit Peter's Website Car Insurance Answers at and find out about Car Insurance as well as Cheap Car Insurance at and more, including Online Car Insurance Quotes, UK Car Insurance, Car Insurance Rates and Car Insurance Quotes.

Author: peter1402

Insurance is one of the most essential financial tools you will need in all aspects of your life, yet it is a topic that many people overlook. Insurance can be boring as well as confusing, but it is important that you get the basics right so that you don't get caught out.

Always need more

When you are looking at which types of insurance you need, it is easy to overlook some things that you need insuring. If you can afford to insure something or be protected against something then it pays to do so. You usually need more insurance than you think, both in terms of types of insurance and levels of cover.

Don't pay too much

Although insurance is necessary, you don't want to pay too much for it. Insurance is only worth it at the right price. Paying too much for insurance will outweigh the advantages that it gives you. Always shop around for your insurance, and consult independent financial advice if you are unsure about which insurance package is right for you.

Look online

If you want information about insurance terms, prices, or lenders then the best place to look is online. Some of the best insurance deals can be had online, and using one website to compare prices is much more convenient than walking round your high street talking to different lenders. If you want to save time then look online for your insurance first.

What insurance do you need?

Obviously the type and amount of insurance you need really depends on your lifestyle and individual needs. However, there are a number of types of insurance that most people should have or at least consider having. These include:

Life insurance
Vehicle insurance
Property insurance
Travel insurance
Medical insurance

Obviously there are many other types of insurance, and if you have something that you want to protect then you will probably be able to get insurance for it.

Is insurance worth it?

Many people think that insurance is a waste of time because it costs them money and they never claim. This is a good thing, because you really don't want to have to claim on your insurance. Good insurance is essential, because it protects the things that we value most. If anything should happen to these items then we know we will be compensated for it or be able to replace it.

Insurance to avoid

As well as good insurance there are plenty of types of insurance that you should avoid. Never pay too much for your insurance or more than you think it is worth, because this defeats the point of the insurance policy. Also, don't sign anything that has strict limits on what you can claim for, making the policy almost worthless. Try and get a good level of cover at the right price, and before agreeing to anything check that the lender is reputable and that if you need to claim they will be able to compensate you.

About the Author
Peter Kenny is a writer for creditcards-gb For additional articles and an extensive resource for everything about credit cards, please visit us at and

Sunday, April 6, 2008

by: Mike Yeager

If you've been out of school for a couple of years or perhaps just graduated from college, you're probably a candidate for cheap health insurance. Once a person reaches a certain age they're no longer covered by their parents health insurance plan. If you're just starting out it's important to find cheap health insurance coverage. If you've just graduated from school or just started work and you don't have coverage, don't be tempted to forgo this necessary expense because you never know when an accident can happen. Most people are looking for modest coverage but also want some essentials. Generally, when a person buys their own coverage, they tend to favor high deductibles to save money on the cost of premiums.

Personal health insurance, Cheap Health Insurance and low cost health insurance rates.

Even if you're on a tight, limited budget, it's very important that you pick up some kind of cheap health insurance. Even if you only have a plan that covers unexpected hospitalization, your peace of mind will be greatly enhanced. Keep in mind that a catastrophic health insurance policy can come with a high deductible before their coverage kicks in. They don't pick up the cost of preventive physician visits or emergency room visits to get a few stitches.

Some questions to ask when considering cheap health insurance.

1) Can your and/or your family afford to pay ALL your medical expenses if you're sick or injured?

2) How much is the deductible?

3) Can you afford the deductible?

With a little searching and comparison shopping you find the best rate for your personal cheap health insurance.

About The Author
Mike Yeager

by: Evan Davis

Looking for low cost health insurance quotes? Good. You are taking that most important step of shopping around for the best price. But more importantly, you undstand that it is important to have health insurance, and perhaps, even more importantly, understand that the real purpose of health insurance, as for any insurance, is protection. That is, you do not get health insurance to act as a sort of discount off the price of doctor and hospital services. The point of insurance is protection in the event of catastrophe. Yes, health insurance costs are high and continue to rise, but do not forget that the reason you are seeking health insurance quotes online--and even offline--is to insure you get the most protection (not discount) for the best (lowest) rate.

Getting health insurance quotes is now extremely easy with the use of the Internet. Take advantage of online insurance quote availability to get an idea of the range of premium prices offered. Even if you don't want to buy online, you will have a better understanding of what the insurance agent is talking about, and when it comes time to put ink on the contract, you will be making a more informed decision. Remember, too, that quotes are free and come without obligation.

When you look for cheap health insurance quotes, online or off, you must also consider type of health care you want and what that means in terms of how your care is delivered to you. Health insurance is a much more than a matter of co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. When you get a health insurance quote, you are getting a quote on a certain kind of plan. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a single "best" plan. You will find that there are some plans that will serve your needs better as an individual, and plans that will be better for both you and your family's needs. Plans will vary according to what services they offer, and you will probably have to make some hard choices as to what services are most important. No plan will pay everything; there will always be out-of-pocket costs associated with your medical services, though some plans will pay more for the services you deem most important. So, health insurance quotes are really the tip of the iceberg to a very important subject.

Cheap Health Insurance Quotes and the HMO, PPO, FFS/indemnity plan, and POS

*HMO--An HMO is a health maintenance organization. An HMO contracts with doctors, hospitals, and other medical providers to form a sort of network. As a member of an HMO, you are required to use the providers in that network. You pay the HMO a certain amount of money per their payment arrangements in order to receive medical services.
*PPO--A PPO is a preferred provider organization. A PPO is similar to an HMO in that there is a network of medical providers that you can use. However, the PPO does not require you to use that network and allows you see doctors and go to hospitals out of network. Normally, you do not need a referral to see doctors out of network. However, in that event, you do pay more for the service. That is, the amount of coverage is less.

*POS--A POS is a point of service plan. A point of service plan is very much like an HMO except that POS doctors can refer you out of the network of providers to see a specialist. In a POS, you would not refer yourself, and if the plan does refer you out of the network, you do pay more for the service.

*FFS--A FFS or indemnity plan, is a fee for service plan. In a fee for service, you are billed by the service. You are usually not required to use a network of providers. That means you choose which doctors, hospitals, and specialists you want to see and use. Because you make the decision about who you see and where you go, there is no need for a referral to see a doctor. The only limiting factor is whether or not the provider accepts the insurance of the fee for service plan insurance.

Low Cost health insurance quotes have a lot going on behind the scenes. Seeking an online quote? Now you have a better idea of what that quote is for. When you visit an insurance agent to talk health care, be sure to look thoroughly into the options available to you. Your health insurance quote represents a package of insurance services, and it is important for you to understand the relationship between the quote and the services you may be purchasing.

About The Author
Evan Davis works in Medicare customer service and is the webmaster and owner of Instant Health Insurance at where you can find cheap health insurance quotes and much more. Read news, advice, health insurance tips, and Medicare insider reports found no where else on our blog at

Saturday, April 5, 2008

by: Steve Gillman

There are the usual tips for getting really cheap car insurance. You may need to be reminded of these. Then there are the secrets that you haven't heard about. You'll find a few of those here too.

1. Shop around. Call several companies for quotes, starting with those that advertise the lowest prices. be sure to include at least one independent agent, since they can check many companies for you. Use the tips here to make a list of questions to ask them.

2. Raise your deductible to lower your rates. If you really can't afford the first $500 of an accident, you should rearrange your financial life. After all, you're going to find away to afford more than that over time, on higher premiums.

3. Consider dropping collision. Why pay for it if the car is worth $1000? All you'll get is $1000. The rule is: drop the collision if you can afford the loss. You can't drop it if you owe on the car. However, if the car is worth only a couple thousand and you still owe a little on it, get a personal loan to pay off the car loan, drop the collision coverage, and the savings on the insurance may almost make the payments.

4. Round down your distance to work. You are charged more if you drive farther to work, so be sure to give the shortest distance on the application. Fifteen miles is a common cut-off, at which point you start to pay more.
5. Demand the legal minimums. Do this if you have no assets. Most companies will try to sell you their "company-recommended minimums" on liability, but you may not need that much coverage. Remember, if you are broke, you are not an attractive target for a lawsuit.

6. Get any discounts you are eligible for. Ask about any "safe driver" non-smoker" or other special discounts.

7. Home and auto discounts. See if there is a discount if you insure car and home with the same company. This can often save you a lot.

8. Pay for 6 months at a time. Don't take the easy monthly payment option. They always charge you more for that. Learn to budget and you not only get really cheap car insurance, but everything else is cheaper too.

9. Review your policy. Have your policy reviewed and get new quotes every year or so. If the speeding ticket you had is now past the three year mark (or whatever the company thinks is important) they won't automatically drop the rate, so ask.

10. Consider the insurance costs when buying a car. Sports cars and others are charged higher rates. This isn't a one time charge. You'll pay more for as long as you own the car.

11. Keep policy current. I went without a car for a while, and let the policy lapse because I didn't need it, and there wasn't enough time left on it to request a refund. When I bought a car again, the cost for a six-month liability policy went from $167 to $400 because of my lapsed policy. Keep the policy active if you will be buying again soon, or cancel it, but don't let it lapse.

12. Get paid for diminished value. If you have an accident, be sure the insurance pays what it should. "Diminished value" is often not paid unless you push the point, even though a car loses value from being in a wreck, even after it is repaired.

13. Remove kids from policy. If the kids are at a college that's more than 100 miles away, you can have them taken off the insurance policy and save a lot of money. You can't let them drive the car when they come home to visit though.

14. Get older. Rates drop, especially after 25 years old, so get new quotes now and then as you get older. They may not adjust your rate automatically. Old safe drivers can get really cheap car insurance.

About The Author

Steve Gillman has been hunting down obscure knowledge and useful secrets for years. Learn more and get a free gift at:

Friday, April 4, 2008

by: Rashme Wong

But you'll want be surprised at how varied the rates for pickup insurance can be in your area. Totally shop around for your automobile insurance. Dont just go with the first agency you speak with.

Now, thanks to the net, you can shop around suitable from the comfort of habitat. Go ahead and get at least three price quotes from distinctive kinds of insurance corporations.

If youre in the audience for a novel car, call to see how much it will cost to ensure in the first place. Having a car alarm and other anti-theft devices can chip in reduce your costs.

Always apply about discounts. Dont be shy. Corporations anticipate this!

Whats my cost if I have a $500 deductible? (Enhancing your deductible from $200 to $500 could lower your collision and in-depth coverage cost by as much as 30 percent.)

How about a $1,000 deductible? Running to a $1,000 deductible can save you 40 percent or more. (Now if you dont keep at least this much in the bank, dont alternative out this option!)

If your car is worth less than 10 times the annual insurance premium, purchasing extra coverage may not be affordable. Whichs one distinguished gizmo about owning an aged car!

My credit rating is astounding. I always pay my bills on time.
What if we insure more than 1 car with your corporation?

I havent had an accident in more than three years.

I havent had a traffic ticket in three years.

Ive taken a drivers training course.

My car has an anti-theft mechanism.
I dont put a mass of mileage on my car in a years time.

I carpool.

My car has air bags.

My car is quipped with anti-lock brakes.

I have daytime going lights.

Im a student driver with top-grade grades.

Since I have both car and home coverage with you, do I qualify for a discount?

Im a schoolhouse student away from home.

Ive been a long time regular purchaser.

My mom and dad use your company.

Do you present any other discounts? Some companies offer reduced rates to drivers who get insurance through a group plan from their employers and other expert groups. It cant hurt to ask.

About The Author
Rashme Wong has been an Car insurance Consultant for 5 years whose articles on Car insurance industry have appeared on many major Car insurance websites. For more information, simply go to this site:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

by: Matt Poilisant

Although locating the cheapest car insurance isn't too complicated to secure, there exist a few myths when finding the best company for your needs. The following myths can trip you up when beginning to find the cheapest car insurance for your needs. Please be careful to keep yourself from the following traps and misconceptions.

First Myth: One insurer provides lower rates overall than another one. Although this is not a myth when considering the same coverage for the identical person, there's really no such thing as an insurance company that always has the lowest premiums. Whenever your situation changes, and changes always come about as grow older, you need to go looking again.

Second Myth: After you attain the cheapest rate, you ought to keep it. Have you been given a speeding ticket in the last couple years? Have you gotten older in the past couple years? Have you changed jobs? Had any more children? As time goes on, the circumstances related to your cheapest car insurance have altered. The most competitive rates have almost certainly changed also. You need to compare companies again to achieve optimum savings.

Final Myth: You can trust a price comparison service. When seeking the cheapest car insurance, you will likely find some type of service to receive many rate quotes. Take care, however, since your needs often won't be in line with those giving this service.

Possible potential conflicts of interest are: 1. They may only be giving data on a subset of insurers with which they receive commissions. 2. They may overtly highlight their product or the one that provides the largest commission. 3. They may take into account unneeded riders and coverage so that the preferred plan will come out on top.

Have you come across anyone who has fallen for the above errors? Seeing as you understand what to keep in mind, you are prepared to get the very cheapest car insurance! The more people that understand this topic the better. If you desire to tell others about your experience in getting the cheapest car insurance, you may post it to the web site listed below. All reviews welcome!

About The Author

Matt Poilisant
Visit cheapest car insurance for more cheapest car insurance articles compiled by Matt Poilisant. Publishers: visit free cheapest car insurance web content for a unique version of this content.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

by: Alex Baumm

Have you heard of cheap car insurance?

A number of car owners have not yet tried cheap car insurance and they are missing a lot of benefits. A car owner, in one way or another, will be encountering troubles with the high cost of regular auto insurance premiums. This is where the greatest advantage of cheap auto insurance comes in.

So, how do you take hold of cheap car insurance? Well, the steps are simple but will require some thinking and patience. Here are some the most important tips on how you can get cheap car insurance.

First, take pains in comparing policies offered by several auto insurance companies.

Though the essential features of auto insurance companies are more almost the same, there would still be some discrepancies and differences. And in these differences the crucial factor lies in terms of how you could find cheap car insurance.

Some auto insurance companies will offer comprehensive or limited coverage while some other companies will have policies that depend on how many persons will be using the car or for what purpose the car will be utilized under normal circumstances. Generally, a car used to take children to and from the school and one used to and from the office will be taken into consideration.

Second, look for companies that give due consideration to anti-theft devices installed in your car. There are insurance companies that will be willing to give you cheap car insurance if your car has these devices installed. In connection, there are insurance companies that also take into account the nature of the neighborhood where you live in. This is usually in line with the crime rate of the location. The higher the crime rate the higher the premium.

Third, try considering offers made by independent car insurance agents but make sure that they have authority and sufficient credibility to deal with these matters.

Every State generally has its own set of rules in relation to car insurance policies. There are quite a number of States that make auto insurance mandatory. That is definitely not a problem among rich citizens but for middle class citizens it is important to look for cheap car insurance in terms of coverage, premiums and reliability.

Fourth, discover possibilities of accessing relevant data regarding various auto insurance companies. You may have access from these companies' official websites or offices. While visiting their branch offices is feasible, doing it is generally not practical because that will consume lots of time and effort. In this regard, surfing the Internet is more advantageous.

Finally, please make some notes about your findings. This will help you remember offers and rates more conveniently and accurately when you are ready to make your decision.

As a conclusion, getting cheap car insurance is really a matter of being procedural and patient. It does not really mean that you have to buy policy from established and big companies, although that is usually advised. The more important consideration is whether or not the company will be able to pay you and answer for the expenses when the time comes.

About The Author

Alex Baumm. Find more tips at our car forum

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Author: Guest

A High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) is a health insurance plan that has lower premium payments and a higher deductible than most conventional health plans. I've been a health insurance agent since 1985. Typically, health insurance benefits and coverage vary widely among the many different health insurance providers.

Believe it or not, your drinking habits can influence your individual health insurance rates, now and into the future. The PPO plans have in recent years become the most popular type of group health insurance. The drug companies would still make profits, because the demand for the drugs would go up tremendously if they suddenly became affordable for people without health insurance, but the profits wouldn't quite be the same.

"Health insurance offered little protection," said Dr. When Ray Buford was laid off from his job in Denver, by his old curmudgeon of a boss; he was offered six months severance and COBRA health insurance, meaning 18 months. The health insurance companies know that, with the help of some statistical calculation, they can determine the percentage of their insured clients who will become ill during the year, and they charge a sufficient premium that will not only cover those costs but allow for profitable operations as well.

Just as the Internet has empowered consumers, so has it empowered health insurance brokers. A young woman came in wanting to compare health insurance plans to see if there were any options for her and her family. When choosing health insurance plans, carefully evaluate any drug benefits provision and its costs relative to medication coverage.

If you think that you need health insurance, there are lots of ways to get affordable health insurance for yourself and to your family. Some individual health insurance plans are issued to individuals with pre-existing conditions, but usually only with what is called an "exclusionary rider". Universal health care for all has been equated with socialism, and much propaganda has been communicated by the press, by right wing politicians, by medical groups such as the AMA or anyone else who has an agenda to keep the 1500 plus health insurance companies a thriving market with profits that undoubtedly help to pay for their agendas.

It is for that reason that HDHP's are commonly referred to as catastrophic health insurance plans. You can purchase fine jewellery, art works, vintage cars -- but none of these can assure you the value, well-being, and peace of mind that a comprehensive health insurance plan will bring you. And if your former employer offers separate health insurance plans (dental, medical, and vision, for example), you and each of your qualified family members may choose to continue any combination under COBRA.

Should Ohio consider a similar plan in order to achieve nearly universal health insurance coverage? Be prepared for medical claims the old E111 forms have now been replaced by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which entitles the holder to free medical treatment within Europe equivalent to that available on the NHS. Those benefits include vacation, 401K, and available group health insurance.

If you'd like access to more information and resource links pertaining health insurance, then check out my site at: Health Insurance Ratings

About the Author

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is an affiliate marketer who writes articles on various topics

Author: Guest

With the rising costs of fuel and just about every other good or service we purchase, many of us are looking for cheap car insurance. When it comes to cheap car insurance most of us are clueless as to how to go about getting a low cost car insurance policy. There are many factors that influence your car insurance costs drastically.

For example, did you know that the type of car you drive will influence the cheap car insurance you're looking for? Or did you know that using anti theft devices will help reduce your over all car insurance costs? A good driving record will allow you to get cheap car insurance?

The deductible is the amount you pay first out of any claim for an accident. The car insurance policy's cost is directly related to your deductible. A lot of people, especially those with a good driving record, who have had their insurance policy for a long time, have never considered varying their deductible. If you have a clean driving record and are prepared for the risk of paying a larger amount in the event of a claim you can save money by increasing your deductible.

Many times you can get cheap car insurance by combining policies with you existing insurance company. For example if you have a home owners insurance policy contact them and ask for discounts for switching your car insurance to them. If you don't own a home perhaps you have renters insurance or life insurance, contact these companies about the savings you could get by switching your car insurance over to them. Most insurance companies are very accommodating to these requests.

It also pays to shop online for your cheap car insurance; many of the big companies offer a comparison of their coverage versus other companies. As you are requesting cheap car insurance quote online be sure to be completely truthful in answering the questionnaire. Additionally, you should know when you get your online quote you will need to follow up with actual paper work.

Whatever your motivation, with a little work you too can find the cheap car insurance you're looking for.

Jeff Kimball is an independent business writer and the author of A1 Cheap Car

About the Author

Jeff Kimball is an independent business writer and the webmaster of A1 Cheap Car